Game Name: Viking : Raid
Age Rating: 15 - Why - Some blood, and violent scenes.
Games its like: Terraria, Minecraft PE, Prison Architect
Theme: Vikings - time period - 800AD - Lindisfarne
Story: Igor the chosen and his warband have come to plunder and loot the shores of England, targeting monastery's and churches. Using brute force and clever thinking nothing will stop him from getting what is his by right of raiding.
Players piece: 2D sprite will be used, The feared viking captain Igor the chosen, feared by his people when he killed his first man at the age of 12. Since then he rose to fame as an ambitious man, later sailing to far away lands to bring back plentiful loot for his fellow vikings.
Gameplay: The game will focus on the main character Igor which the player will control in order to locate loot and plunder that the monks have hidden somewhere in or around the building. The game will be top down, using 2D sprites, utilising the movement system from minecraft pocket edition and a click to interact function. In some cases the player will have to navigate through hostile areas where guards may be (later levels) or kill some monks for the bonus points (a choice). When looking for loot a timer will start for finding clues, and then another timer for finding the actual loot itself.
What makes it unique: The combination of choice events, such as killing or sparing the monks, and puzzles in order to locate the loot and then getting to it. Situations also change in the game depending on how they are approached, if your warband is known for killing all innocents then later levels may see an increase in guards to protect the churches, or you can spare the monks at the cost of your reputation to the warband.
Lose state: Losing will be either being killed by a guard, not locating enough loot in an area before leaving or running out of time to find the loot. Each mission will have a required amount of loot to be found.
Win state: finding all the loot in an area, or defeating all of the enemies on certain missions where monks hide/characters are needed to be found.
The game will look cel shaded with a pixel art style, using objects such as viking longboats, swords axes and other tools from this time period.
Monday, 23 October 2017
Friday, 16 June 2017
Evaluation of game creation process
Evaluation - Supermarket Slaughter
Review by a friend:
I recently got the chance to play a game my friend Charlie has been making for college, at first I was expecting something more basic but it is vastly the opposite, the following sections state why.
To my surprise quite fantastic, although I'm aware everyone on the course uses the same software this game executes it with tremendous effect. From the mist at the very opening to the sheer darkness of the mall regardless of your flashlight, the tone is set from the very beginning and scares are rife throughout. I was terrified and I play horror games regularly. The only slight niggle as far as the graphics and software are concerned is I once managed to get stuck between some scenery and a clown which would not let me out which was somewhat frustrating.
Sound: Creepy laughter, footsteps in the dark and loud, brutal clown attacks are to name but a few unnerving items in the sounds list, I would hate to play this with headphones. The first time I played a clown hit me from behind and made me scream like a girl. Sound by far is the biggest influence to the atmosphere here, the right amount of creepy sounds comes together with the visuals to deliver a genuinely freaky experience.
Gameplay: Overall I'd rate the gameplay as 8/10 because this is a very polished experience, although it has some minor visual flaws I was really scared by this game. If I was to add anything I'd say a gun perhaps, just because a form of self defence would be helpful I feel. Highly recommend to any horror fans. A great game Charlie well done.
Changes made
Throughout the game creation process i made a lot of changes to the original ideas and plans for my game. One of the minor changes was the name of my game, which changed from 'A night of laughter' to 'Supermarket slaughter', this being a minor change to the game that was due to the relocation of the game with the new name better suiting it. Another change made during the initial design process was the map, as you can see from the images below my map changed from a large forest setting into a smaller, more concise supermarket layout. This was done as creating such a large open world would take much more time, and would be harder to create than the supermarket design. If i was to have more time, i would of continued with the forest idea as it was the original concept for the game, however i do not regret to choice to create a supermarket instead and i am very happy with the way it turned out.
Other changes to the game came from technical issues that i could not fix, such as the blueprints not working to allow for the projectile of the gun to kill the enemy. This became a big task for me, and since it wouldn't work it rendered one of the biggest elements of my proposed game, the killing of the AI to be useless. Without this i felt the current game i was creating could not be finished to an acceptable standard and therefor decided to create a stealth game, that relied on the player thinking outside of the box instead of charging in and killing the clowns. This helped add to the horror genre of the game, which made the player feel powerless to defend themselves, instead only being able to run from the clown.
From feedback i have had from my game however people like the stealth aspect, and enjoy the horror that the game provides. Alongside this a death counter was created from the people who tested my game, and from that i learnt that most people struggled to complete the game in one turn, which is something i was happy about as it meant the game wasnt too easy, and wasnt too boring that players didnt want to keep trying. This was something i was happy about, however players found that the silence of the clowns made it hard to know where they were when attacking from behind, and found that they would die randomly at times from the clowns sneaking up with no indication of their presence. This alongside the few bugs in the game is something i will work on further so that the game becomes finished with minor/no errors.
In conclusion i am happy with how the game turned out, and i am glad that i have created something that is seen as a game also with my own assets being used. I have many things to still improve and work on, however the whole process has been very fun and i am excited to continue work to better the game.
Monday, 8 May 2017
OO design
Object-Orientated Design
Assignment 2
For my game I have used various assets created using Maya, these vary from the character to buildings and intractable's. Using these assets I created a realistic world environment for my game, in order to quicken up the process i reused some of the assets that i created in order to fill out the world more, and in some cases edited them in subtle ways such as size or colour. This can be seen here with my trees which range from various sizes much like the real world, and the difference in colour of the trucks in my game.
In my game there is enemy AI which have different functions. Some will patrol areas and make sure the player is not in them, others will pursue the player upon sight of them. This is done through blueprinting, which enables for the function to work.
The top segment of blueprints tells the AI to move to random locations within a certain radius, this makes the AI appear to be moving around randomly as if he was patrolling an area. In the blueprint is a delay function that means once he has stopped moving he waits for 2 seconds (delay) and then repeats this blueprint. As for the bottom segment that is the follow me blueprint which enables the AI to follow the player character upon sight, this can be seen by the 'self' green code that means the target for the AI to follow if within the radius of the AI's view is the player (self).
This is very different to another game engine such as game maker, which uses written code to give functionality to its objects.
Here you can see a piece of code that enables the enemy AI in my gamemaker game to follow the player. In some ways the code is familiar, both engines code/blueprint involve the target both being the player object/character, however gamemaker works out the position and uses that to target the player whereas unreal engine does it purely on sight.
Another piece of blueprinting in my game is within the player, which allows him to move when you have pressed the W,A,S,D keys.
This again in some ways is similar to gamemaker which uses the target of the player in order to know what to move (first person camera), both also work on a physics axis. This blueprint however finds out the variables it needs in order to do this however, whereas gamemaker you have to manually code the variables for it to work as seen in this screenshot.
This screenshot shows not only the code that is needed to make the player move, but also the collidable objects that the player can interact with. This is not shown in the unreal blueprint, as collision is a different function altogether, however it can also be manually placed into a piece of blueprints for special cases such as spawnable bullets.
In conclusion i believe the process of physically typing in line after line of code to be tedious and sometimes hard when you aren't certain of what code to use, however it is easier when you don't understand the various options for blueprinting, and the various sub features that may be needed in order to make the blueprints work. for exambple i attempted to create a blueprint which allowed for the enemy AI to be killed/destroyed upon collision with the projectile object from the gun. This didnt work throughout various attempts for various reasons, some of which are still not known partially down to the vast features of my game and the lack of full understanding of blueprints. This wasnt a problem in gamemaker however, where i personally found it easier to write the code for this function.
Friday, 28 April 2017
Unit 6 - Task 1 - James
Unit 6: P1P2 Understand how media producers define and create products
Task 1
A Night Of Laughter
Slender – The Arrival
Skyrim – The Elder Scrolls
Survival, Horror, FPS
Survival, Horror, Strategy
FPS, Adventure, action role-play
Selection of content
Dark, cold, harsh landscaping, gritty sounds, dingy colours, decaying
feel, exploration
Dimly lit, exploration, isolated feel, Jump Scares
Vast landscapes, picturesque views, large open world, exploration,
hand to hand combat
Construction of content
An immersive story, Linear
Linear, Partial Narrative,
Narrative/character driven
Narrative Conventions
Searching for an escape, Survival
Survival, Page finding, looking for an escape
Story driven, bettering yourself, saving the realm
Codes and Conventions
Health, ammunition, sanity levels, free roam/free choice, variety of weapons
No weapon, event triggers (finding certain objects) escape slender
Variety of weapons, Quests, Main Storyline, fighting enemies
Target Demographic
Teenager – adult (14-30)
18+ (young adults - adults)
16 – 50 (Rated Mild)
Task 2
Media Text: This can range from posters that advertise/promote something, to a TV show/movie. Media text has the purpose to either show or promote the text that it is showing. For a Night of laughter there will be posters along with an intro video to the game, possibly even a trailer so that it can hook players into the game before its release to create a need for the game. With little to no promotional media text for slender the arrival it made it hard for their to be such a buzz for the game, however through word of mouth and YouTube videos the game was publicised to be a great successor to the first slender man game which was vastly popular as a free download. The videos created by people led others to then try out the newer version, working as good advertisement, with some videos reaching millions of views. As for Skyrim there was an initial trailer that was released which caused a lot of people to get excited for the game, with it being another instalment of the already popular series of games (elder scrolls) it already had a vast amount of fans who followed the games and long awaited their return. Advertising wise Skyrim has a lot of media text that was used for advertising such as posters and trailers, alongside the videos that were also produced for skyrim from youtubers, who would speculate on the upcoming features further creating excitement for the game.
Genre: Genre refers to what content is to be expected from a game, a horror will normally have dark lit areas in order to scare the player, whereas an adventure game is built with adventuring in mind, or a first person shooter being a game where you shoot other people like call of duty. A night of laughter will primarily be a survival horror game, meaning that the player will have to survive enemies (clowns) and will also have moments where gore or jump scares may be used to engage the player, this is much like slender the arrival, which also uses jump scares and "scary" enemies to engage the player in the horror genre. This is unlike skyrim however which is an adventure action role play, which is done through the customisation of the player character at the start and throughout the game. Aswell as this the character engages in quests, which are objectives that can be optional, something players enjoy about the game.
Selection of content: selection of content normally refers to what is in the game, such as sound, imagery and colours. For a Night of laughter the game is cel shaded, and uses bright colours in a dimly lit world replicating night. This is much like slender the arrival, which is also dimly lit to add to the horror atmosphere, however instead uses photo realistic graphics, something which makes the game more immersive to some players. Skyrim also uses photo realistic graphics, but has a brighter look to the game, with it only being dark at night or in caves. The bright lighting of the game helps to emphasise the detail of each object, with fire lighting used at night perfectly to create an ambient atmosphere that the player can still navigate and see in. As for sounds skyrim utilises sounds of literally everything, from a river to a man speaking to a bird tweeting, this adds to immersion and makes the game almost feel real, this much like a night of laughter and slender which both also use atmospheric sounds to build an environment around the player.
Construction of content: Construction of content is how a game plays out, for example skyrim is a clear narrative based game where you follow a story given to you through cutscenes and character exposition to allow the player to navigate through the story, unlike a night of laughter which instead is more survival based, with little to no story, instead has the player attempting to just simply survive. There is middle ground however with slender, which utilises the survival option, and the narrative giving players an option as to how they wish to play the game.
Codes and conventions: every game has some conventional feature that all games either have or attempt to use, such as a HUD or health bar. This can be seen clearly in a night of laughter which has a health bar, sanity bar and an inventory system, something used in most survival horror games. This is nothe always obvious as a bar however, as slender does not have a noteable bar or icon for health, which is done to put the player in more fear without the understand of how much health is left. This is unlike skyrim however which is very conventional with a health bar, inventory and full HUD. This is done to allow the player to know every part of their character, whether they are tired or carrying too much weight, and to fully immerse the player.
Target demographic: every game has a target audience that it wishes to appeal to, this is done by adding certain elements in a game to stand out to certain demographics. For horror fans, and those who enjoy a thrill games such as a night of laughter and slender appeal, however those looking for a story heavy solo game would look to skyrim. Each demographic is considered carefully and it marketed towards the right audience through advertising. Skyrim appeals to teenagers and young adults as it gives them an escapism to a virtual world where they can create their own character, it is also aimed at both genders with the possibility to play as either gender. As for slender and a night of laughter, the audience is more niche, specialising in people who enjoy a thrill from being scared. This audience tends to also be teenagers, however varies in age as the content may sometimes be too scary for younger teens (as shown with slender).
Selection of content: selection of content normally refers to what is in the game, such as sound, imagery and colours. For a Night of laughter the game is cel shaded, and uses bright colours in a dimly lit world replicating night. This is much like slender the arrival, which is also dimly lit to add to the horror atmosphere, however instead uses photo realistic graphics, something which makes the game more immersive to some players. Skyrim also uses photo realistic graphics, but has a brighter look to the game, with it only being dark at night or in caves. The bright lighting of the game helps to emphasise the detail of each object, with fire lighting used at night perfectly to create an ambient atmosphere that the player can still navigate and see in. As for sounds skyrim utilises sounds of literally everything, from a river to a man speaking to a bird tweeting, this adds to immersion and makes the game almost feel real, this much like a night of laughter and slender which both also use atmospheric sounds to build an environment around the player.
Construction of content: Construction of content is how a game plays out, for example skyrim is a clear narrative based game where you follow a story given to you through cutscenes and character exposition to allow the player to navigate through the story, unlike a night of laughter which instead is more survival based, with little to no story, instead has the player attempting to just simply survive. There is middle ground however with slender, which utilises the survival option, and the narrative giving players an option as to how they wish to play the game.
Codes and conventions: every game has some conventional feature that all games either have or attempt to use, such as a HUD or health bar. This can be seen clearly in a night of laughter which has a health bar, sanity bar and an inventory system, something used in most survival horror games. This is nothe always obvious as a bar however, as slender does not have a noteable bar or icon for health, which is done to put the player in more fear without the understand of how much health is left. This is unlike skyrim however which is very conventional with a health bar, inventory and full HUD. This is done to allow the player to know every part of their character, whether they are tired or carrying too much weight, and to fully immerse the player.
Target demographic: every game has a target audience that it wishes to appeal to, this is done by adding certain elements in a game to stand out to certain demographics. For horror fans, and those who enjoy a thrill games such as a night of laughter and slender appeal, however those looking for a story heavy solo game would look to skyrim. Each demographic is considered carefully and it marketed towards the right audience through advertising. Skyrim appeals to teenagers and young adults as it gives them an escapism to a virtual world where they can create their own character, it is also aimed at both genders with the possibility to play as either gender. As for slender and a night of laughter, the audience is more niche, specialising in people who enjoy a thrill from being scared. This audience tends to also be teenagers, however varies in age as the content may sometimes be too scary for younger teens (as shown with slender).
Friday, 7 April 2017
Unit 6 - assignment 2 - task 2
P4 - Analysis of a Computer Game
Game: Total War Rome 2/Attila
Total War is a real time strategy game that focuses on human history for the setting/themes of their games. Using photo-realistic graphics the game capitalises on fast paced upfront action, accompanied by a board game style map setting which allows for ease of navigation around a top down map of the world. Utilising a strong campaign with various playable factions each total war has been vastly popular with the total war community (made up of its players and fans) and has been a benchmark in strategy games since its first release back in 2001 with "Total War: Shogun".
Each game released by creative assembly makes use of some historical event and uses it to create their games, however this format was changed for their most recent release 'total war: Warhammer' which used elements from another vastly popular franchise, something fans of total war have asked for.
Total war rome 2 and attila uses photo realistic graphics, this helps the player feel more immersed in the game, as if they are actually controlling real people's lives. After a popular mod by the name of "more gore" creative assembly added this as a permanent feature, making it an option whether you want more or less gore in the game. Along with its graphics the game also utilises environmental sounds, along with a soundtrack for each game that helps to further immerse the player into the world they are controlling. These sounds can include the sound of crashing waves by the oceans of the map, to birds tweeting before the battle begins. Aswell as the environmental and soundtrack sounds, there is a lot of dialogue, mainly found as a tutorial sort of dialogue that educates the player on how/what to do. Acting as an advisor to you, it helps to further place you in the position of power, and to lead your armies who also speak in the game.
There isn't much to a narrative structure in total war unless it is chosen, since the campaign can be either free play (make your own decisions) or follow the advised routes of commanders before you. An example of this is when playing as rome, you will be encouraged to subdue the gaelic tribes and the other Italian tribes that may pose a threat to you later on, however do not pose immediate danger. This is encouraged however as it was the action that in history, the Romans took. A more notable feature of the game that does have narratives, are the add ons/dlc packs that add new campaigns that actually follow history, such as caeser in gaul (following the events of Julios caeser) and hannibal at the gates (the carthaginian wars). These became very popular for history buffs, who were able to play out key battles in each campaign that actually happened in life. My highlight of these campaigns was being able to play as the Romans, and having to defend my legion deep in enemy territory against the suebi (germany). My army consisted of very strong units, however was only 500 strong with no cavalry or archers, as for the suebi they had almost triple my numbers fully equipped with archers and cavalry. This was a famous battle known throughout the roman empire, a story of betrayal, slaughter and death. The battle was not won by the Romans, however the creators added a possibility of the Romans winning through cunning maneuvers. I managed to win the scenario, after sustaining terrible losses however. This is one of the many appeals the game has, it relies on heavy strategic play and learning what troops you have, and also what troops you are going against.
I believe the narrative that the game encorporates is brilliant, it fully immerses the player into the role of a military and civilian leader. Using different notifications and pop ups through dialogue and events keeps the player on their toes, as with life nothing is made simple.
When you go to start a battle, you have time to set up your attack, which is key in determining the outcome of the battle. Other features in this time include choice of weather, and where you will place your units. This is key as you can and should use the environment to your advantage, archers in a high place, spears at the front, swords on the side and cavalry on the flanks. This requires the player to become a strategist, and when playing multilayer requires the players to out think one another.
With total war there are no main characters, instead the player is the main character, choosing either to rule the world or take over it and govern it properly. This sense of power to the player is what becomes addicting, having the choice to spare a civilisation and make it an ally or obliterating and raiding all their towns can be something players lose themselves over.
Being an intense strategic game, total war isn't normally aimed at children, yet the odd exception comes about. The main target demographic for total war is 16 and up, due to some of the language used. Targeting people who enjoy history, and also those who enjoy a game where strategy is needed it hits it's demographic perfectly. I believe the games created in this series use the right ratios of history with free choice. Some games can go wrong where they force a decision out of the player that they would not normally make, total war however suggests the course of action that another (normally a historical figure) would take, however let's you choose what you would do. This can normally lead to a lot of problems with what happens in the game, but allows for the player to experience the consequences of their own choices, and after time formulates a style of player different to each person. The demographic is also met well due to creative assembly actually listening to what people have to say about their games, for example total war fans requested a game after rome 2 that was more gore and had a more ruthless villain for the player to either play as or play against, thus attila was born. This game encorporated many ideas stemming from customer reviews, however to all its brilliance each total war has had its down sides and features that don't work. Empire total war was the worst in the franchise and did a good job of not only ruining historical events, but also the game itself with poor graphics, and out of sync sound issues. Later fixed by games to follow, however coming with another issue that some would say is worse, the over use of dlc's to fill a game, requiring people to continually purchase and spend money on the game. With the games already being a high price this was too much for some, and has caused total war to not have the high opinion that I regard it with. To me it's brilliance lies within the decision a player makes, a game that is more of a vessel that the player commands as opposed to a game that forces a player to make and do unrealistic things.
The genre of strategy games hasn't been most popular with the vast public, however has a nice community that comes with it. A community that enjoys to outwit one another, as opposed to winning by luck (call of duty). The genre has grown bigger however with games such as total war leading it, and I believe strategy is a genre that will always be apparent, much like the game of chess or hnetafl (viking chess) which has been around for centuries.
Total War is a real time strategy game that focuses on human history for the setting/themes of their games. Using photo-realistic graphics the game capitalises on fast paced upfront action, accompanied by a board game style map setting which allows for ease of navigation around a top down map of the world. Utilising a strong campaign with various playable factions each total war has been vastly popular with the total war community (made up of its players and fans) and has been a benchmark in strategy games since its first release back in 2001 with "Total War: Shogun".
Each game released by creative assembly makes use of some historical event and uses it to create their games, however this format was changed for their most recent release 'total war: Warhammer' which used elements from another vastly popular franchise, something fans of total war have asked for.
Total war rome 2 and attila uses photo realistic graphics, this helps the player feel more immersed in the game, as if they are actually controlling real people's lives. After a popular mod by the name of "more gore" creative assembly added this as a permanent feature, making it an option whether you want more or less gore in the game. Along with its graphics the game also utilises environmental sounds, along with a soundtrack for each game that helps to further immerse the player into the world they are controlling. These sounds can include the sound of crashing waves by the oceans of the map, to birds tweeting before the battle begins. Aswell as the environmental and soundtrack sounds, there is a lot of dialogue, mainly found as a tutorial sort of dialogue that educates the player on how/what to do. Acting as an advisor to you, it helps to further place you in the position of power, and to lead your armies who also speak in the game.
There isn't much to a narrative structure in total war unless it is chosen, since the campaign can be either free play (make your own decisions) or follow the advised routes of commanders before you. An example of this is when playing as rome, you will be encouraged to subdue the gaelic tribes and the other Italian tribes that may pose a threat to you later on, however do not pose immediate danger. This is encouraged however as it was the action that in history, the Romans took. A more notable feature of the game that does have narratives, are the add ons/dlc packs that add new campaigns that actually follow history, such as caeser in gaul (following the events of Julios caeser) and hannibal at the gates (the carthaginian wars). These became very popular for history buffs, who were able to play out key battles in each campaign that actually happened in life. My highlight of these campaigns was being able to play as the Romans, and having to defend my legion deep in enemy territory against the suebi (germany). My army consisted of very strong units, however was only 500 strong with no cavalry or archers, as for the suebi they had almost triple my numbers fully equipped with archers and cavalry. This was a famous battle known throughout the roman empire, a story of betrayal, slaughter and death. The battle was not won by the Romans, however the creators added a possibility of the Romans winning through cunning maneuvers. I managed to win the scenario, after sustaining terrible losses however. This is one of the many appeals the game has, it relies on heavy strategic play and learning what troops you have, and also what troops you are going against.
I believe the narrative that the game encorporates is brilliant, it fully immerses the player into the role of a military and civilian leader. Using different notifications and pop ups through dialogue and events keeps the player on their toes, as with life nothing is made simple.
When you go to start a battle, you have time to set up your attack, which is key in determining the outcome of the battle. Other features in this time include choice of weather, and where you will place your units. This is key as you can and should use the environment to your advantage, archers in a high place, spears at the front, swords on the side and cavalry on the flanks. This requires the player to become a strategist, and when playing multilayer requires the players to out think one another.
With total war there are no main characters, instead the player is the main character, choosing either to rule the world or take over it and govern it properly. This sense of power to the player is what becomes addicting, having the choice to spare a civilisation and make it an ally or obliterating and raiding all their towns can be something players lose themselves over.
Being an intense strategic game, total war isn't normally aimed at children, yet the odd exception comes about. The main target demographic for total war is 16 and up, due to some of the language used. Targeting people who enjoy history, and also those who enjoy a game where strategy is needed it hits it's demographic perfectly. I believe the games created in this series use the right ratios of history with free choice. Some games can go wrong where they force a decision out of the player that they would not normally make, total war however suggests the course of action that another (normally a historical figure) would take, however let's you choose what you would do. This can normally lead to a lot of problems with what happens in the game, but allows for the player to experience the consequences of their own choices, and after time formulates a style of player different to each person. The demographic is also met well due to creative assembly actually listening to what people have to say about their games, for example total war fans requested a game after rome 2 that was more gore and had a more ruthless villain for the player to either play as or play against, thus attila was born. This game encorporated many ideas stemming from customer reviews, however to all its brilliance each total war has had its down sides and features that don't work. Empire total war was the worst in the franchise and did a good job of not only ruining historical events, but also the game itself with poor graphics, and out of sync sound issues. Later fixed by games to follow, however coming with another issue that some would say is worse, the over use of dlc's to fill a game, requiring people to continually purchase and spend money on the game. With the games already being a high price this was too much for some, and has caused total war to not have the high opinion that I regard it with. To me it's brilliance lies within the decision a player makes, a game that is more of a vessel that the player commands as opposed to a game that forces a player to make and do unrealistic things.
The genre of strategy games hasn't been most popular with the vast public, however has a nice community that comes with it. A community that enjoys to outwit one another, as opposed to winning by luck (call of duty). The genre has grown bigger however with games such as total war leading it, and I believe strategy is a genre that will always be apparent, much like the game of chess or hnetafl (viking chess) which has been around for centuries.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Animation For Game Planning
Animation Planning
Setting: Table with a book of Polaroid photos, each being of characters present in the game.
Story: The camera opens panning slowly over the table which has a large book which is a brown hardback, as the first page opens photos start fading in (Polaroid's) to the song 'No surprises - radio head'. With a contrasting image in each photo, one being a bunch of happy friends on a camping trip, another being a secret image of a clown thrown in, another being a sad image of one of the friends dead.
Camera will focus on one photo at a time, maybe two at points. The final image will be the character looking up and seeing a clown in front of him.
Friday, 24 February 2017
P3 Understand how media audiences respond to media products
Unit 6: Critical Approaches to Creative Media
There is a common belief at the moment that violent video games cause violence in the real world within teenagers-kids. It is true that in the recent years and development of video games some games have become more violent, game titles such as GTA 5, DOOM and Hitman. Each game revelling in the opportunity to show a realistic violent scene ranging from shooting someone to beating someone with a bat. This discussion about whether games do effect a persons mental reasoning however does not have much evidence to support the claims and is instead more based off of theories and minor cases of violence.
The main argument is that videos games do effect people, however through the various studies by professionals there has not yet been conclusive evidence that they do, instead there is more of a link to video games causing people to be more aggressive and or DE-sensitised to violence. Through a survey that I constructed i was able to find out myself from teenage gamers their opinions to this subject, asking questions that would allow me to see if they had been effected by video games in some way.
As you can see from the screenshot above my survey questioned ths theory about de-sensitisation due to violent video games and the results were bias towards people feeling like they had been de-sensitised. However what does this mean? This does not prove the theory that video games cause violence, it merely advances the theory that it can desensitise someone to violence due to them. This does not directly correlate to the action of violence, to give context it applies more to the theory of violence, as seeing and doing are two different things. The aim of this question was more aimed however at whether people understood they were desensitised, and doesnt prove whether or not the recipients of the survey are infact desensitised which leaves this as only speculation. What it does however is showcase whether people understand that they are desensitised or whether they feel it, which is beneficial to know as it can then help them to deal with being desensitised.
Does knowing you are desensitised actually mean anything? Yes I believe so, speaking about the discussion from my point of view i believe that knowing you are desensitised makes you view violence differently to others, not in a sense of satisfaction at it, however it allows you to notice violence much quicker and therefor judge the course of action much better. The action which then follows has other variables that take place when performing the action, such as personal experiences, mental state and environment. All of which differentiate between people making it hard to conclude whether it does effect people or not.
Something that would support the claim against violence due to video games would be the beneficial side to gaming, the skills picked up. A lot of games require precision movements and decisive decision making, which can come in handy to people going into careers that utilise this skill such as doctors. One game known as surgeon simulator allows the player to practice surgical tasks which if carried out incorrectly will result in the patient dying and the objective being failed. As the primary function within games is to complete the objective and in most cases to the best of the players ability it is unlikely that players will actively fail on purpose. The hyperdermic needle theory can be applied to this, as it suggests that information is accepted by the player directly and in some cases unknowingly. This teaches players some basic skills which can then be transferred into jobs such as becoming a doctor. Infact it is becoming more of a normality that people who do play video games find it easier to transfer their skills from the games into real life situations such as doctors operating as said here
![Image result for key hole surgery game](
Again however it is hard to use evidence such as this to conclude that video games do or dont cause violence, however it has given a beneficial look at video games. In conclusion i believe myself that video games are not a root cause of violence, which has been a part of human life since human existance. I believe however that society has come to a more civilized state that when small acts of violence which are hyped up by the media people react with much more disgust as it is no longer the norm, which back in medieval times violence was a much more common and accepted thing. I feel like video gamers are targetted as it is the easy option, when judging someone for why they have acted violently it is better to asses all the possible reasons instead of latching on one, would a footballer who was violent be analysed and it be concluded that because of his hobby of football which can become physical be the cause? Most likely not, I think it is more likely that the mental state, and the upbringing of a person will define their actions, not their hobbies or interests.
As you can see from the screenshot above my survey questioned ths theory about de-sensitisation due to violent video games and the results were bias towards people feeling like they had been de-sensitised. However what does this mean? This does not prove the theory that video games cause violence, it merely advances the theory that it can desensitise someone to violence due to them. This does not directly correlate to the action of violence, to give context it applies more to the theory of violence, as seeing and doing are two different things. The aim of this question was more aimed however at whether people understood they were desensitised, and doesnt prove whether or not the recipients of the survey are infact desensitised which leaves this as only speculation. What it does however is showcase whether people understand that they are desensitised or whether they feel it, which is beneficial to know as it can then help them to deal with being desensitised.
Does knowing you are desensitised actually mean anything? Yes I believe so, speaking about the discussion from my point of view i believe that knowing you are desensitised makes you view violence differently to others, not in a sense of satisfaction at it, however it allows you to notice violence much quicker and therefor judge the course of action much better. The action which then follows has other variables that take place when performing the action, such as personal experiences, mental state and environment. All of which differentiate between people making it hard to conclude whether it does effect people or not.
Something that would support the claim against violence due to video games would be the beneficial side to gaming, the skills picked up. A lot of games require precision movements and decisive decision making, which can come in handy to people going into careers that utilise this skill such as doctors. One game known as surgeon simulator allows the player to practice surgical tasks which if carried out incorrectly will result in the patient dying and the objective being failed. As the primary function within games is to complete the objective and in most cases to the best of the players ability it is unlikely that players will actively fail on purpose. The hyperdermic needle theory can be applied to this, as it suggests that information is accepted by the player directly and in some cases unknowingly. This teaches players some basic skills which can then be transferred into jobs such as becoming a doctor. Infact it is becoming more of a normality that people who do play video games find it easier to transfer their skills from the games into real life situations such as doctors operating as said here
![Image result for key hole surgery game](
Again however it is hard to use evidence such as this to conclude that video games do or dont cause violence, however it has given a beneficial look at video games. In conclusion i believe myself that video games are not a root cause of violence, which has been a part of human life since human existance. I believe however that society has come to a more civilized state that when small acts of violence which are hyped up by the media people react with much more disgust as it is no longer the norm, which back in medieval times violence was a much more common and accepted thing. I feel like video gamers are targetted as it is the easy option, when judging someone for why they have acted violently it is better to asses all the possible reasons instead of latching on one, would a footballer who was violent be analysed and it be concluded that because of his hobby of football which can become physical be the cause? Most likely not, I think it is more likely that the mental state, and the upbringing of a person will define their actions, not their hobbies or interests.
Unit 71 - Object Orientated Design For Computer Games
Unit 71 - Object Orientated Design For Computer Games
Concepts and principles:
- Simplified understanding - relating to blueprinting it is when a blueprint is made and made as simple as possible so that it is easy to understand. For example if there was blueprinting for a character to make him walk, simplified understanding would be when the blueprint of this would be simplified so it is easy to understand and know what it is. This can even simply be just naming the blueprint the name of the action that it carries out.
- Re usability - Re usability refers to re using an object in a game more than just once. Objects that this is normally done with can be things such as multiple cars, or trees/the environmental objects. This can also be in terms of code/blueprints that are used multiple times, such as a piece of blueprinting that allows a character to pick something up, this saves time and makes it easier to create the process which will be used a lot of the time.
- Maintenance - Maintenance is when you fix any errors and simplify the code that is there in the game so that it is not only easy to understand what blueprint does what, but allows you to know what has gone wrong. For example the character is walking jittery, the problem would be found within character animation, it also is a way for you to go in and edit/change the code whenever needed.
- Efficiency - Efficiency can be how well a piece of blueprinting works and how useful it is in your project. Efficiency can also refer to how efficient the creators time is, making time plans for creating certain elements of a game. For example, giving yourself a week to create a character and setting realistic time periods for when it needs to be rigged and animated, allowing you to work out a rough estimation of when parts of the game will be done. This can be then used to plan for the creation of something else down the line.
- Real World modelling - Real world modelling is the art of creating something that exists in the real world, this can be created off of drawings of the object such as a car like an Audi, or a photo of the car. When this is done the model is supposed to be an exact copy, or in some cases is modified for the games benefit, such as theme or look of the object. For example an apocalyptic game will have a car with rust or maybe has been modified with guns on and more armor.
- Collaboration and sharing - Collaboration and sharing can be when different members of a project all working on a game work together to achieve the completion of the game. One element of this is between a game artist and a game designer, the game artist will create the models and assets, which will then be animated and coded by the designers. There is many more parts to a game creating team, however these are just two.
- Quality assurance - This is the checking of the game throughout the process of creation, and making sure that each part of the game works in harmony with its corresponding features, whatever they may be. It also refers to a certain standard that is to be kept throughout, when being tested it wont pass merely on the action or object working, but also being up to the standard marked out at the design process. For example an object will look like its concept art, or have the style intended such as cel shaded or photo realistic. Testing should be done throughout to make sure that no problem is missed and causes a bigger problem down the line.
Game objects
- Sprites - Sprites, normally used for 2D games, are what make up things such as characters, enemies or weapons. Sprites form almost everything and anything in a game, and are normally created in pixel form. A game known for using sprites is super mario.
- Characters - Characters are found in almost every game, the word character in terms of a game normally refers to the person you are playing as, however can also be used to describe an enemy or ally. They take the form of people, or even animals that are within a game.
- Weapons - Weapons are within a game to be used against the enemy of the players characters or to be used by the enemy. A weapon in a game can take many forms, but are known to cause some form of damage to characters and/or objects within the game. A gun, or knife would be considered a weapon.
- Rooms - rooms can also be called levels, they signify a change of location or area and are normally made seperately. In some games a room can be when the character enters a house, giving him a cutscene or a jump to the next area/inside the house. Some games have many rooms, other games such as open world games have fewer.
- Walls - Walls keep the player in a certain area, normally having a collision box linked to the player to stop them from going past it.
- Scenery - Scenery adds life to a game, it builds an environment or location. Scenery can also be in many forms, such as trees, a river, or buildings that have no impact to the game, and only serve the purpose to make the game more immersive for the player.
- Rewards - Bonuses - Power-ups - These all fall under a similar catagory, they all boost something within a game/effect something. A reward is when the player has done something good, such as reach the end of the level they get extra points. A bonus can be in the form of extra gold coins for the player, and a power-up normally enhances the players abilities, in some cases making him invulnerable to attacks which in most cases benefits the player.
Object properties
- Object properties are normally linked to one object and vary from object to object. Colour will almost definitely be different from object to object, but in some cases will be reused. Object sizes vary upon how big they are to be, most objects are normally re-sized to coordinate with the player, for example a mouse object will not be bigger than the player unless it is meant to be bigger. Speed and movement is also something which is defined by the object that it is meant for, some enemies for a game may be much faster than others adding a challenging element to a game. Sound is dedicated within games to either alert a character to something, or to add further detail to an object such as a sliding door. Adding the sound effect to a sliding door adds immersion to the game. Health and lives are two different things however result in the same outcome if both are reduced to 0. Health is used in some games and can range from numbers to a bar of health, damage done to the player is taken directly from the health and can vary in the amount that is taken depending on the type of attack/damage dealt. In some cases health can regenerate or be restored by power-ups/rewards. Lives are more like chances, if you have 3 thats 3 chances to complete the task, these also can be replenished in some cases and when they are all gone you have run out of chances and the game ends.
Actions and events
- Actions and events define what a character is or isnt able to do. These can range from an attack animation, to a movement animation when a key is pressed. These are called keyboard events, when a character is moved by a keyboard press it is known as an event as it is something that is happening within the game.
- Collision - Collision is between two objects, but not every object. Some objects do not collide, such as a ghost perhaps that has no physical form. However anything physicaly in a game will most likely collide with another object, the main form is a wall and other moving objects such as a ball. The ball if it has collision on with the wall will not be able to pass through it and will most likely bounce off or collide with it and be still.
- Inheritance allows for the creator to reuse code or sprites from other objects but with the ability to change certain features. The parent is the object from which the code and design is from, and the child is the object that it will effect/be given to. Things such as cars that do the same task however look different may use inheritance, with a red car being the parent and the different coloured cars being the child. inherited behaviors means that the child will normally act the same as the parent, as its code is similar if not the same as the parent.
Thursday, 26 January 2017
Charlie Long - Game Art Portfolio
Since a young age I have held a keen interest in video games and how they work, for the past few years I have been working on developing my drawing and digital skills in order to create pieces of work that can one day be used in a game.
As of the past year (2016-2017) I have been working on a project to create a 3D game for my college using software such as Photoshop, Maya 2016, unreal engine 4.12.5 and Autodesk mudbox. Here is some of the design process ranging from a few pieces of concept art to fully created digital objects:
Perspective Drawing
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